A Voyage to Austin, Texas from Minneapolis, Minnesota

A Voyage to Austin, Texas from Minneapolis, Minnesota

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hot Dish in Hot Austin

Some call it a casserole, but I prefer Hot-Dish and so does http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hot_dish

Now what could be better than some hamburger, tator tots  and green beans all in one dish. Summer did not agree while we were in MN, but down here in Texas, adventure is the name of the game. So I loaded up on the ingredients, tied on an apron and got to work. These next 5 candid photos perfectly tell the story of the hot-dish success!

MMM Baking in the Oven....
Loading up
First big -eager- bite

MMM she says with her satisfied smile

Clean plate.

And that concludes my candid, non-photoshop'ed non-faked, documentation of the tator-tot-casserole(hotdish)-massacre


1 comment:

  1. Tater tot casserole is MUCH better when you put BBQ sauce on it:)
